Typically sushi is made by layering and assembling the sushi elements on a flat surface and then using a bamboo mat to roll it into a sushi roll as seen in the image below.
Make sushi without bamboo rolling mat.
Typically sushi is rolled using a bamboo or silicone mat.
While holding the bamboo mat in position apply pressure to the roll with your fingers to make the roll firm and stay together.
Rolling sushi is an art form and without the proper tools it can be challenging to do.
By applying some gentle pressure make it into a compact and neat sushi roll without a bamboo mat.
To create the tight roll of the sushi sushi chefs traditionally use a bamboo mat.
The home cook who does not have specialty sushi making supplies at his or her disposal must find an alternative means of holding the ingredients together to make a sushi roll.
Knowing how to make a sushi roll the traditional way is essential to understanding the technique used to make sushi without a bamboo mat.
If you are making multiple rolls make sure you use a new sheet every time for wrapping.
With bamboo rolling mat gently roll it.
Roll rice into a sheet of nori seaweed and you have sushi.
If using plastic wrap roll it tightly separate plastic and continue rolling.
Traditionally sushi is assembled by laying down a sheet of nori sushi s seaweed wrapper atop a bamboo mat known as a makisu which helps the chef roll compress and form the heaping of rice.
If you are craving for sushi but do not have a bamboo mat to give shape to your sushi consider trying cooking or baking paper instead.